Damage Surveys either for cargo and ships, are intended to establish the nature, cause and extent of damage as a result of an unforeseen and unexpected event.

Cargo Damage Surveys

When cargo is affected, damaged, or even shortened, we can attend on behalf of any of the involved parties, in order to investigate and clarify the nature, cause and extension of damages. It may happen during port operations or even during navigation. In any case, we can also advice on mitigate damages and asses on the quantum of loss.

We work for Global Inspection Companies, P&I Clubs, Insurance companies, importers, exporters, ship operators, ship owners, charterers, stevedore companies, etc.

Ship Damage Surveys

When a ship suffers a hull or machinery damage as a result of an unforeseen and unexpected event during port operations, loading, unloading, mooring, un-mooring, etc., we can attend on behalf of any of the involved parties, in order to investigate and clarify the nature, cause and extension of damages. We can also estimate the quantum of loss, advice on primary actions to be undertaken, temporary repairs, and even follow up repairs if requested.

We work for Global Inspection Companies, P&I Clubs, Hull and Machinery insurance companies, ship operators, ship owners, charterers, stevedore companies, etc.

Complementary Services

Depending on the circumstances of the occurrence, the damage survey usually becomes in a Casualty Investigation. Sometimes also port facilities are affected or damaged. In case of ship’s machinery breakdowns, we can also investigate the circumstances of the incident and follow up the repairs.