Bringing your business forward.
We provide independent advice based on established research methods, and our experts have in-depth sector knowledge. We have a strong client focus and we provide more than simply a report or analysis. We strive to give expert advice and support based on our economic expertise, as well as communicate facts to our customers.

Ship Condition Surveys for P&I Clubs, Owners, Charterers and insurance companies.

Casualty Investigations are intended to establish the nature, possible causes and extent of an incident, accident, casualty or damage on board a ship, affecting crew, hull, machinery or any other third party involved with ship operations.

When delivering or re-delivering a ship at any Central America port, under a time charter agreement, IMC is able to carry on Bunkers Survey which is most of the time carried out in conjunction with an On Hire / Off Hire Condition Survey.

Damage and Cargo Condition Surveys either for Break Bulk cargo, containerized cargo, Machinery and equipments, Project Cargo and ships structure, are intended to establish the nature, cause and extent of damage as a result of an unforeseen and unexpected event.

Service to Vessels
We have extensive experience in weighing services transported through the Draft Survey. Off Hire, On Hire and Cargo Tally (In-Out) on both coasts (Puerto Quetzal, Santo Tomas de Castilla and Puerto Barrios) to bulk ships (Bulk solid and liquid).

Nickel Ore and Coal Cargo
In Santo de Castilla Port we have experience in Nickel Mineral cargo services that includes :
- Preload Monitoring
- Moisture Analysis
- Load monitoring during operation

Determination of the status of a container, prior or subsequent to a trip.

Determination of the status of a cargo at time of discharge. Damages, looses and general condition.


Discharge Survey
- Steel Coils
- Foods

Draft Survey

Off Hire Survey
Services to the Mine Industry, Containers, Oils and Grains
We offer our supervision services of Mineral Products such as Lead, Gold, Silver, Antimony, Baryte, Nickel Ore for export and inspection of Coal discharges.
In the Ports of Santo de Castilla and Quetzal, we have an extensive inspection service to containers, inside and outside the fiscal area, such as: Structural damages to containers, cargo damage assessments, loading condition, condition of containers and cargo after a road accident as well as the implementation of the CTPAT: Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism U.S. Customs. We also inspect merchandise in general, machinery and vehicles.
In the grains market, we inspect and certify fumigations by the local authority MAGA, conditions of cargo at discharge, certify quantity discharged – loaded on board, laboratory analyzes are also carried out to certify the quality of the inspected product.
In Oil, fuel, chemicals, oils and lubricants, we provide the following services:
Plant Inventory, On-Off Hire Survey, Bunker Survey, Draft Survey, Loading Master services, line inspections, hydrostatic tests, measurements in ship / shore tanks, analysis and quality certifications and quantity of the product inspected.